How to Navigate The Journey of Life and Friendship

How to Navigate the Journey of Life and Friendship

“The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic, or hospital.”

– Mark Hyman

The people in your life matter.  A lot. 

We’ve all had those crazy  ideas, the business’s we’ve wanted to start, the dreams we wanted to follow but when we share it with the people closest to us, we are met with blank stares. The excitement that we are looking for is missing. And this stings, alot.   

An honest truth: Many of your closest friends will not by your closest  friends for life.  

As we grow, the relationships in our lives will change as well. Many times the people closest to you are the ones who end up holding you back, but its not out of jealousy. 

It is out of love. 

The reality is, dependent upon when you meet people, they fall in love with that version of you. They know you from that stage of your life. 

They are in love with the old version of you. As you begin to grow, the person that they love begins to change and  become a smaller piece of you. 

You learn new skills. You create new priorities. You meet new people who are on similar path to the one you are on now. 

A big part of life is growth; we are constantly evolving as we age. 

At 26, my career dictated my life. I worked set hours and I dressed the part. 

My schedule was set by others and I didn’t really exercise. 

I chased money, traded my time for it, and cared deeply about the public perception of success.

The friends I had at 26 were associated with those priorities; we would work hard during the week, and then party hard during the weekend. 

I still love and cherish the people and the relationships I built during this stage of my life, but we no longer share the same interests and hobbies.

At 43, my life dictates my career. I define how I want to spend my hours and I take most  meetings on mountain tops! 

The friendships I have at 43 are built through the shared suffering of training and fire and ice. 

As your life starts to change, it is natural that your friends change. 

This is the hardest part of growth.

Today's Podcast

This week I got to sit down with Morgan Zanontti, the co-founder of Primal Kitchen, and share my transition from Ironman to CrossFit training and how it has impacted my nutrition. 

I’ve learned there is a big correlation to being successful with endurance and strength training.

I believe doing anything at a high level, whether it is sport or business, requires building a “shed” of transferable skills.  

Even when we change paths, and the old playbook no longer applies, we still get to keep the skills we learned along the way. 

You can listen to the entire episode here.

Today's Optimization

I put Primal Kitchen on everything. My eggs and sausage get a healthy pour at breakfast, and when I host guests at night we all add it to our steaks, or my legendary smash burgers, and sweet potato fries. I go through two bottles a week, every single week, and I am not exaggerating. The reason I love Primal Kitchen is because it is made with real, high-quality ingredients and contains the healthy fats that come from plant-based oils. 

A big part of why I use Primal Kitchen is what’s NOT in it. Their products contain no artificial sweeteners and are dairy-free, which fits with my overall wellness and nutrition goals. My general rule of thumb is to prioritize real food and high-quality protein sources. This week Primal Kitchen is offering Movement Memo subscribers a deal: 20% off your entire order using code “ERICHINMAN20”

Today's Movement

Complete as fast as possible:

  • 20 Burpee Box Jump Over
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 5k Row
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 20 Burpee Box Jump Over

About Eric Hinman

Based in Denver, Eric is an Endurance Athlete (5x Ironman), content creator and social media influencer, sponsored by dozens of consumer brands. Some of Eric’s partners include Vital Proteins, GNC, Ten Thousand, Beam, Lane Eight, Chipotle, and Whole Foods.

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